Recent Developments in the Duty Requirement Under the Misappropriation Theory: A Critique of Cuban's Unintended Consequences Lisa Rachlin
The Crucial Role of the Nominating Committee: Re-Inventing Nominating Committees in the Aftermath of Shareholder Access to the Proxy Michael K. Molitor
The Unjustified Business Justification Rule: A Reexamination of the Lionel Canon in Light of the Bankruptcies of Lehman, Chrysler, and General Motors Todd L. Friedman
Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act of 1975: Looking Back, Looking Forward, an Interview With Tort Reform Attorney, Fred Hiestand, General Counsel of Civil Justice Association of California. Robert Marcelis
Anticompetitive Exclusion and the "Inherently Suspect" Framework: The Viability of the Federal Trade Commission's Analysis in Realcomp II Tiffany Lena Lee
Pay + Board Composition + Personal Behavior ≠ Corporate Governance: In Search of Conceptual Change Marty Robins